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Inspector Renewal

19 Mar 2024

It's that time of year again! LAA Inspector Authorisations lapse at the end of this month.  Renewing is simple, available both on and offline.

In order to renew this year, Inspectors need to carry out two simple steps, which are as follows:

  1. Complete and sign the 'Inspector Declaration,' which was emailed to all Inspectors on 4th March, and return to LAA Engineering, either as a scanned document or in the post.

  2. Pay the Inspector Renewal Fee, which is £40 and covers administration of an Inspector Authorisation throughout the year. (For Inspectors of Factory Built Gyroplanes, there is no longer an additional fee. All Inspectors pay £40). Inspectors can pay via the LAA shop, found here, or by giving us a call with their payment card details.  Alternatively, Inspectors can pay by Bank Transfer.

Inspectors' continuing support is crucial and we sincerely hope that all Inspectors will renew.

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